Wednesday, August 27, 2014

34 Weeks


One thing I can say that I've always been blessed with is great girlfriends my whole life. Grade school/high school was great, still love my college girls and these girls up top are my girls from Baltimore.  We all met about 6 years ago through boys/work/sports and haven't looked back since.  There are 4 kids between us (soon to be 6).  

I so appreciate the fact that we all make an effort to have our girls nights out even after some of us have had our children.  It's so nice to get away every now and again and be able to just talk to the ladies about every day stuff that only other ladies truly understand.  

Now next are my PA girls. 

As I've mentioned before, we're working on about 15 - 20 years of friendship with these ladies.

Oh yeah, and 11 kids between us (soon to be 12)! HAHAHAHA

I never understood girls who said they only get along with boys.  I have such a great time with my girls I wouldn't survive without them!  I can appreciate a guy friend, but men truly are from a different planet sometimes!

This is my last week without a doctor appointment until Matthew makes his arrival.  The pics of my PA girls are actually from a great "sprinkle" my mom and sister threw me over the weekend.  Matthew got lots of clothes and diapers and a bathtub and even his first toy truck! As I have been blessed with really great friends, I've also had the blessing of great family too!

Not much has changed with me since last update.  I'm sure I've gained weight (thanks to DH taking me to get ice cream sundaes regularly hahaha).  Emma hasn't been complaining about that part either!


Baby boy moves constantly and its only getting more uncomfortable.  It's harder to take long walks and way easier to complain about anything :)  

Fortunately I have a wonderful husband to help me with all my requests. 
We've also been trying to take advantage of our last few days with just our baby girl. The love of our lives!  We went to Downs Park, which was so awesome and exceeded our expectations.  I have to give a shout out to DH for finding the place.  We had the CUTEST picnic together, then walked through the trails and ended with some playground time. It was beautiful and right on the bay.


32 days or less..........hopefully all these braxton hicks contractions go into overdrive sooner rather than later!

We shall see.............

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 Weeks and 4 days
Total weight gain: 29 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes Please, they are even getting a little tight....
Stretch marks? I'll just answer that with a YES
Sleep: Awful.  My hips hurt so bad, I have to roll from side to side about 3 times and every time I roll I have to get up and pee anyway.
Best moment this week: Watching Emma go down the slide all by herself!  And finishing up the nursery
Miss Anything? Wine, Sleeping on my back/stomach, running
Movement: Lots, I feel a lot of movements in my pelvis area, which is a weird feeling.
Food cravings: Not really, I more don't want to eat things than want to eat them (besides SWEETS)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not these days (knock on wood)
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: ROUND LIGAMENT PAIN,  rib pain from time to time, tired, lightening crotch, heartburn
Belly Button in or out? OUT!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but if I'm in a hot room, or just get hot, it gets pretty tight.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody, but that includes the mood of happy.
Looking forward to: Matthew's Sprinkle on Saturday.

So I just had my Dr. Appt.  I had it with a new young male doctor.  He wasn't my fav.  Not sure why, just didn't like him very much.  :)

Baby is measuring 37 weeks instead of 33 (YIKES), so growth scan is scheduled for tomorrow.  I mentioned high amounts of amniotic fluid with Emma and she was a big baby, so he was pretty much in agreement it was probably those two things.  He said not to be worried about too much fluid, it's more worrisome to have not enough.  Too much just means nothing or a birth defect (see what I mean about not being my fav?)  but then said since they didn't see anything in the 20 week ultrasound, then there is a very good chance everything is just fine (as it was with Emma).

I've gained 5 lbs. since my last appt 2 WEEKS AGO!  It's so hard not to eat sweets.  whatever!   I'm gaining less than I did with Emma so I'll just take this whole pregnancy as a win, even though I feel like I look bigger. AND MY BELLY BUTTON POPPED OUT!  I hate it, lol. It looks gross and funny.  Emma loves touching it and it doesn't help that I laugh hysterically every time she does. 

All in all the appointment was good.  Heartbeat sounded good.  I'm getting a scan mainly becuase I want to try for a VBAC.  Because Emma wasn't so long ago they just want to play it safe.  If baby is really big, than they'll probably steer me towards just having another c-section (which i'm not against).  But if baby is measuring pretty normal and it's just the fluid, then we'll see.  And can I blame some of the weight gain on my extra fluid?  I SURE CAN!

Until Next time I will leave you with some adorable pics of Emma Jean and my 33 week update from pregnancy #1

Our fund day at the mall

Exploring the backyard


Eating a snack!

WITH EMMA.........

How far along? 33 Weeks and 2 days
Total weight gain: lets just say 30+ lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes Please, they are even getting a little tight....
Stretch marks? I'll just answer that with a YES
Sleep: Awful.  My hips hurt so bad, I have to roll from side to side about 3 times and every time I roll I have to get up and pee anyway.
Best moment this week: Saturday Chris and I had a little day of fun where we just did things that made up happy, like going to the Casino for a little bit.  We had a delicious lunch at Joe's Crab Shack.  We went grocery shopping and made homemade broccolli soup (which was AMAZING).
Miss Anything? Wine, Sleeping on my back/stomach, running
Movement: Lots, I feel a lot of movements in my pelvis area, which is a weird feeling.
Food cravings: Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not these days (knock on wood)
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Well, i have been having braxton hicks from time to time, but I don't really think that counts and the whole dropping thing maybe.
Symptoms: ROUND LIGAMENT PAIN,  rib pain from time to time, tired
Belly Button in or out? I'll go with flat.  
Wedding rings on or off? On, but if I'm in a hot room, or just get hot, it gets pretty tight.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: BABY SHOWER ON SATURDAY! AND Holding my baby girl and telling her how much I love her in person.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Matthew's Nursery

I'd say it's a success!  Now I just need a little bundle of joy to put in that little crib!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Getting Lower?

Last week vs. This week.

Everybody get low low low low low low low low.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

32 Weeks

                32 weeks with Matthew                                        32-33 weeks with Emma

I seem happier the second time around, hahaha, or maybe just more awake.  Can't tell if I look bigger,smaller or the same.

Just a quick update with some pics.

This week as been crazy so far.  Emma got Hand, Foot & Mouth disease, so she's been out of school since Thursday, and can't go back until this Friday.

Fortunately Chris' parents came down and can watch her this week so we don;'t have to take off more work!

She seems better, but she did get the fever and the bumps. I'm hoping it's away for good now!

I'm 32 Weeks and 3 days. Nothing much has changed since my last appointment, except I'm hot ALL THE TIME.  I wake up sweating every night and at work, I'm like, turn up the air.  Everyone else thinks its freezing in the office, but I'd take an igloo to work in these days.

what else what else.......One fun thing with the in-laws being here is DH and I get to go out to dinner tonight.  Emma has been a riot for her grandma and grandpa.  She seems to love an audience and I have no idea who she got that from ;)

Matthew's room is done!  Just bought the clock and finished the dresser to make it complete.  Now all we need is diapers and a baby to fill it with. hahaha.  And some clothes may help, but I do have a few outfits to get us started.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/measurements: 24Lbs. Was just measured yesterday and honestly I was happily surprised. Since I was just on a week of vacation in OCMD and ice cream was not hard to come by, I was a little worried!
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Well, MOnday night was A FREAKING NIGHTMARE, but only because of my first born. (more on that later), but other than that, just the regular 5 - 6 pillows a night.
Best moment this week: Taking Emma to the aquarium.  In the short amount of time since the last time we were there, I really feel like she enjoyed it so much more.  IT was so sweet to watch her staring and waving at the fish.  THe dark shark tunnel scared her just a little, but we didn't mind the extra needed cuddles.

Miss anything? Sushi, italian subs, rolling around on the floor with Emma.
Food cravings: sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not right now.
Gender: BOY!
Labour signs: Lots of braxton hicks and some pelvic pressure, but nothing major. 
Symptoms: Lots of heartburn, round ligament pain, just plain tired.
Belly button in or out? Semi popping out.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but tight
Happy or moody most of the time? A bit of both!
Looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery. 

So doctor appointment went well yesterday.  I had a sick 15 month old with me, so the focus wasn't necessarily on new baby, but my first born.  Heard the heartbeat and he was moving around while she was trying to get it.

Still measuring a bit ahead, but everything looks great all in all.

On to Emma Jean...... First she had diarrhea at the beach, now she's constipated, lol.  It's always something!!!!  Monday night DH was away on business and I was up from about 11:30pm on.  Emma woke up every hour screaming and finally at 2am I brought her in bed with me.  It didn't help anything, but at least I didn't have to walk across the top floor to go get her. I assume the screaming was from being constipated, but I don't really know.  Could be mouth pain from teething.  Last night DH slept in the guest room with the monitor so I could get some sleep.  HE let her cry it out a little bit more and she seemed to get herself back to sleep every time.  She still woke up 4 - 5 times, but at least she went back to bed.  So part of me wonders, is she crying now because I went and got her every time?  again, who the heck knows?  When I stayed home with her yesterday she was very temperamental.  Screaming bloody murder or happy.  Didn't eat too much, but she did eat and had lots of water.  Her fever was still there yesterday, but seemed to be gone this morning.  Also two kids in her classroom have hand,foot,mouth disease, which apparently is going around.  Emma is coughing a little, so maybe she has a sore throat.  No rash or blisters though, so again. WHO THE HECK KNOWS????? We have a doctor appt. scheduled for today, because for all we know, she could have an ear infection and that is why she is crying, but daycare is monitoring her and if she's better than we'll cancel and chalk it up to teething, if not, to the doctor we will go for the 364,754,397 time this year.  Sometimes I wonder if the doctor thinks I'm a hypochondriac, because I'm calling or bringing her in all the time, but I'm sure that's what all new parents do. Let's just keep our fingers crossed things keep getting better and don't get worse. 

Until next time............

Monday, August 4, 2014

OCMD 2014!

Just got back from our beach trip!

It's crazy to think just 2 years ago I was just pregnant with Emma.  Now I'm pregnant with Matthew (much, much more pregnant).


I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I'll probably do an update after that, but wanted to share some pics.

All in all it was a wonderful trip!  Completely successful.  We all stayed in the same hotel this year, which was really nice to be so close, so next year I think we'll do the same, only upgrading to condos.  Hotels are nice, but it's nice to be able to close a door when baby is sleeping.

I'LL HAVE 2 KIDS BY NEXT VACAY! Heck, I'll have 2 kids in 56 days (or less)  <-- a girl can dream!

We even spent our first night away from Emma (Chris and I at the same time) and Emma got to have a sleepover at Grammy and Poppy's with Savannah and McKenna.  Judging by the pics, I'd say they had a great time.  Poor Matthew will be the odd man out....I have a feeling he'll get spoiled enough in his own time though.

Doing a rough count, there were about 33 of us in total with family and friends.  It's such a special time to have with everyone.  I know we all take it for granted, but 31 years and still going strong on this tradition!

Here are some pics.

25 Weeks

How far along? 25 Weeks and 2 days Total weight gain: 16 lbs at my last appt about a week ago. With matthew I had gained 23 lbs at this poin...