One thing I can say that I've always been blessed with is great girlfriends my whole life. Grade school/high school was great, still love my college girls and these girls up top are my girls from Baltimore. We all met about 6 years ago through boys/work/sports and haven't looked back since. There are 4 kids between us (soon to be 6).
I so appreciate the fact that we all make an effort to have our girls nights out even after some of us have had our children. It's so nice to get away every now and again and be able to just talk to the ladies about every day stuff that only other ladies truly understand.
Now next are my PA girls.
As I've mentioned before, we're working on about 15 - 20 years of friendship with these ladies.
Oh yeah, and 11 kids between us (soon to be 12)! HAHAHAHA
I never understood girls who said they only get along with boys. I have such a great time with my girls I wouldn't survive without them! I can appreciate a guy friend, but men truly are from a different planet sometimes!
This is my last week without a doctor appointment until Matthew makes his arrival. The pics of my PA girls are actually from a great "sprinkle" my mom and sister threw me over the weekend. Matthew got lots of clothes and diapers and a bathtub and even his first toy truck! As I have been blessed with really great friends, I've also had the blessing of great family too!
Not much has changed with me since last update. I'm sure I've gained weight (thanks to DH taking me to get ice cream sundaes regularly hahaha). Emma hasn't been complaining about that part either!
Baby boy moves constantly and its only getting more uncomfortable. It's harder to take long walks and way easier to complain about anything :)
Fortunately I have a wonderful husband to help me with all my requests.
We've also been trying to take advantage of our last few days with just our baby girl. The love of our lives! We went to Downs Park, which was so awesome and exceeded our expectations. I have to give a shout out to DH for finding the place. We had the CUTEST picnic together, then walked through the trails and ended with some playground time. It was beautiful and right on the bay.
32 days or less..........hopefully all these braxton hicks contractions go into overdrive sooner rather than later!
We shall see.............